Welcome to Sparsh 2023

9th Edition


To Go...!!

It's Time to Welcome our God's children from various homes around Chennai..!!

It's a Day of Happiness when we all meet together..!!

About Sparsh

We, the helping hearts celebrate this day to bring an evolutional change in the lives of around 500 children thereby glorifying our lives. The basic underlying plan of sparsh is to make up for every child’s one year educational expense through this event.

Sparsh is a festival for kids (around 500) from selected orphanages. These kids will be brought to the  event spot & will be provided with food & necessary fresh ups for the whole day. There will be conduction of events for them like personality development, group games, talent hunts to achieve unity & also to mingle them up with the society & other children with an objective to meet fun, entertainment & happiness in their life. 

The event contained 100+ VIP’s in Chennai as a guest of honor & to stay as an inspiration to these children with exclusive coverage from press & media. The sponsors, donations & other form of funds collected during the event will be circulated for the educational expenses for these children to provide quality education.

Let's do Gaming..!!

Let's Make them play with lots of Fun..!!

Bring out their hidden Talents..!!

Individually as well as in Teams..!!

Share new Goodies from our sponsors..!!

Together we enjoy as children..!!

Serve our Love along with food donated by our sponsors..!!

Motivate all and award the excellents..!!


SKR Engineering College, Chennai


05th November 2023

Volunteer Registration Opening Soon..!!